In a heartbreaking incident in Tamil Nadu's Tiruvannamalai, a family suffered the loss of four members due to a landslide triggered by heavy rains from Cyclone Fengal. With three more individuals trapped, rescue operations face challenges as the region battles severe flooding.
In a tragic turn of events in Tamil Nadu's Tiruvannamalai, a landslide resulted in the death of four family members, while three others remain trapped. This catastrophe struck on Monday afternoon, just a day after a previous landslide hit the region, causing a boulder to crash into a residential structure, with seven individuals trapped inside.
The series of landslides was provoked by relentless rainfall brought on by Cyclone Fengal, which made its way to the coastal area near Chennai. The first landslide incident was reported on Sunday at approximately 4:30 PM, occurring on the lower slopes of the renowned Annamalaiyar Hill, which has become a focal point of disaster due to the extreme weather conditions.
Currently, rescue operations are underway, supported by a specialized team from the Indian Institute of Technology in Chennai. The efforts have faced significant challenges due to persistent heavy rain and the precarious situation presented by another boulder looming nearby.
The heavy rainfall, which began after the cyclone's landfall, shows no signs of abating, as the Viluppuram district in northern Tamil Nadu grapples with severe flooding. The floods have caused extensive damage, cutting off access to numerous villages and residential areas, destroying farmland, and severely disrupting rail transport.
In western Tamil Nadu, Krishnagiri and Dharmapuri districts also experienced unprecedented flooding, with Uthangarai recording an astounding 50 centimeters of rainfall in just 24 hours. Reports indicate that Viluppuram saw 42 cm, Harur in Dharmapuri recorded 33 cm, while Cuddalore and Tiruvannamalai marked 16 cm. Disturbing footage has emerged depicting vehicles, including large buses at the Uthangarai bus station, being swept away by the floodwaters after enduring 14 hours of continuous rain.
A senior official from the Weather Department informed PTI that the unusually high rainfall in Tamil Nadu is attributed to the remnants of Cyclone Fengal, which has now transitioned into a strong low-pressure area over the northern regions of the state. The India Meteorological Department has cautioned that as the system progresses towards the Arabian Sea, further rainfall alerts have been issued for northern Kerala and southern Karnataka, with expectations of intensification as it travels through these regions by December 3.
Over the weekend, the situation escalated at Chennai Airport, where floodwaters inundated sections of the facility, resulting in numerous flight cancellations and affecting hundreds of travelers. Airport operations were suspended until early Sunday morning to manage the crisis.
Sadly, the storm's aftermath has already claimed at least two lives, including that of a migrant worker in Chennai who was reportedly electrocuted while trying to withdraw cash from an ATM. Several families are now mourning the loss of loved ones as the region faces the harrowing effects of the cyclone.
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