Sebi has imposed a five-year ban on Anil Ambani and additional 24 entities, which include former officials of Reliance Home Finance, due to allegations of fund diversion. Ambani has been penalized with a Rs 25 crore fine and is barred from engaging in the securities market. Meanwhile, Reliance Home Finance has been fined Rs 6 lakh and is prohibited from market activities for six months.
On August 25, 2024, the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIM-B), signed a significant agreement with Mathew Cyriac, a former student and Executive Chairman of Florintree Advisors Pvt Ltd.
The BJP's Delhi unit has accused the ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) of appointing a "puppet" as the new Chief Minister, asserting that real control remains with party chief Arvind Kejriwal.
'Trump Tracker: Tulsi Gabbard's Surprising Appointment as US Intelligence Chief
November 14, 20249th Ayurveda Day in Melbourne: A Celebration of Ayurvedic Innovations and Global Health Impact
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